We are delighted to announce that Project eARTh has been granted continuation funding of £170,615 over three years by the Reaching Communities Fund of the National Lottery Community Fund ! This will start on June 1st 2020, when our current funding finishes. We have also been granted £6,000 from High Peak Locality Public Health , and have raised a further £6,000 from other sources, meaning that we have all our funding in place for June 2020 – May 2021.
This exciting news means that we can continue to run our arts and health programme in New Mills and Buxton, for adults experiencing mental distress or other long term conditions. Now in its 10th year, Project eARTh is based on collective working on projects to make art for community – and with over 50 projects completed you may well have seen our artwork somewhere near you! Currently our art can be seen across the High Peak in GP surgeries, railway stations, parks, woodland trails, care homes , churches, church halls, art centres and more….And if you know of a spot that needs enlivening (or calming) with art, indoors or out, please let us know.
And if you feel you would benefit from joining in, or know someone who might, give us a call on 01663 744516 or email alison@highpeakarts.org.
It is free to attend, and we provide free transport for anyone who needs it, including a mini bus from Glossop to the New Mills group. Each workshop is led by a professional artist and supported by mental health workers and volunteers to create a safe and welcoming environment. It enables people to get out, meet others, make friends, be creative, learn new skills and have fun. In the process we make lovely art works for our communities, so it is win win all round!
The grant also includes funds for a new one day per week post for a fundraiser / development worker to help us raise the match funding required to run the project. (Details available February).